(our current home, photographed by Janae Hardy Autumn 2011)
In the past month or so we’ve just started the process of house shopping. Exciting? Yes. Scary? Most definitely.
We’re looking for a home where we can plant our feet and start a family. Something with a nice friendly neighborhood, a good school, big trees, a private back yard, big windows, bedrooms that are on the same floor… and the list goes on and on…
I’m nervous admitting that we’re even talking about starting a family. It’s weird choosing a home for more than just our own needs. It’s crazy to envision a little one (or two or three…) sharing the space with us in years to come. Crazy in a good way… yes, but still…
During times like these we rely so much on the good advice of our parents. They know about stuff like toddlers and how much it costs to do this or that to a home. They answer all my questions without laughing. They are able to be honest with me when my expectations aren’t realistic and they encourage us to take on projects we’ve never tried. I’m really thankful for that.
I’m writing this down because I have a feeling that in a couple years I’ll read back on these nervous butterflies and smile.